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Claudia Deville
Rue de la Fount


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Price per night:

price from €59




Description for B&B:

Claudia and Francis are delighted to present to you this charming Catalan house nestled in the heart of a picturesque granite hill. With four spacious and elegantly designed rooms, we aim to provide the utmost comfort and satisfaction to even the most discerning guests. Our accommodation was honored as a favorite in the 2007 Michelin Guide for charming guest houses, and we were awarded the Tourism Medal for our promotion on July 14th, 2006. Since 2003, our house has been a recommended guest house in Gites of France. Additionally, the Green Guide Michelin has recognized our establishment in its 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 editions.

Conveniently located halfway between the Mediterranean Sea and the ski slopes, our village offers an unforgettable panorama that stretches from the sea to the majestic peaks of the Western Pyrenees. Indulge in the local specialties of the region at the charming village restaurants, such as the renowned firm saint-Eulalie. Explore the surrounding scrubland or marvel at the 2784-meter-high Canigou Mountain, which stands proudly before us. Whether you're seeking adventure or cultural experiences, there is a wide range of activities to choose from.

Within a 15-minute drive from our house, you will find over 10 restaurants that cater to your gastronomic desires. For a more relaxed dining experience, we offer picnic areas and a terrace where you can savor your meals. Our rooms are cleaned daily, and you can access them directly through the north entrance of the house. Enjoy complimentary WiFi during your stay. However, if you yearn for a tranquil getaway filled with flowers, flavors, and scenic routes, we warmly welcome you. Our door is always open to you.


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If you are coming from Narbonne, take the first exit towards Perpignan Centres. Once you reach the entrance of Perpignan, follow the signs for Andorre-Prades. Approximately 2 km before reaching Prades, you will see a right turn into the village of Marquixanes. The house you are looking for is located 4 km from there. Look out for a road sign when you reach our small village.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 59 79 33 oui
(3 pers.)
2 102 112 33 oui


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